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ANA Mileage Club Member Login

ANA Mileage Club Member Login

  • As of December 4, 2014, we have made it mandatory to verify your identity using a Web password, in order to enhance security.
  • You must login to access the ANA Mileage Club Member's area.
    The Member's area lets you edit your profile as well as view, register or redeem mileage.

Please enter your ANA Number and Password.


*Logging out
Personal information is used in the Member's area. When you are ready to exit the Member's area, be sure to click the Logout button. Do not use the "Back" button on your browser, as this may leave personal information on your computer.

*Security alerts
Security warning messages may pop up while browsing through the Member's area. Rest assured that your personal information is properly protected in the Member's area.


In the case of an external site,it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.

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